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Anadrol side effects in terms of cardiovascular effects are known to be even worse, due to the fact that oral anabolic steroids tend to worsen these changes. Even if the body can completely rid itself of the steroid hormones, anadrol can leave a permanent alteration in the steroid's function. Anadrol side effects include: Possible cardiovascular effects include: Loss of blood pressure and heart rate (sometimes permanent) Weakness and loss of body weight Heart attack Difficulty urinating (can result in an electrolyte imbalance where the urine may be cloudy with a blue color) Liver failure Kidney loss Anabolic steroid use can also lead to an increase in thyroid hormone and an increase in growth hormone levels, which can make growth difficult as well as increase the size of the breasts (breast enlargement), oral steroids for tennis elbow. Anabolic steroids can also increase fat in the body, oral steroids for contact dermatitis. Growth hormone and thyroid hormones can also be decreased by anadrol use. Anadrol can cause loss in bone mineral density, causing loss of bone strength. A deficiency of testosterone can also be an issue with anadrol, neck oral for effects side steroids pain. As a testosterone deficient state develops in the body, an imbalance will occur in the thyroid levels that can cause an increase in the body's need to produce its own hormone and to produce testosterone to support certain growth needs in certain body structures, oral steroids effects. Anadrol Side Effects for Female Athletes Anadrol can also affect the development of female athletes during their peak physical and anabolic steroid use, due to the fact that these females tend to be more sensitive to changes in hormone levels than males. Females will also have a greater risk of being affected when their hormones are not fully balanced due to their age, because their bodies tend to take more time to develop certain physical elements related to their gender, oral steroids for tmj. For the more experienced female athletes who may not be using anabolic steroids, there will have been more studies done to determine the effects anabolic steroids have on a developing female athlete. Unfortunately, as with anabolic steroid use, the long term effects for female athletes may be even worse as anadrol can change the structure of various parts of women's body organs. Anadrol Side Effects for Males Anabolic steroids, unlike estrogen and progesterone, are not able to stimulate the body until the body can get some level of testosterone in the blood, oral steroids for sale0. In general, while testosterone can cause a female to grow bigger breasts, the larger breasts can be more of a problem for males because the male testosterone produces far more of a boost in muscle mass in comparison to the female hormones.